ホーム / 健康だより / 渡部会長 国際シンポジウムで基調講演

お魚たんぱく健康だより 渡部会長 国際シンポジウムで基調講演


お魚たんぱく健康研究会の渡部終五会長が10月23-26に岩手大学で開催される国際シンポジウム(International Symposium on Precision Quality Control of Aquatic and Agro Foods: Innovations in Green Process)1)で基調講演されます2)



・Precision Monitoring Technologies(精密モニタリング技術)

・Functional food and food processing(機能性食品および食品加工)

・Food quality and safety Assessment(食品の品質および安全性評価)

・Nutritional Enhancement(栄養強化)

・Sustainability and Traceability(持続可能性とトレーサビリティ)

・Food and nutrition education(食と栄養教育)

Maintenance of Fish Freshness at Moderately Cold Temperatures Considering Temperature-dependent Postmortem Changesというタイトルで渡部会長が講演されます。


Fish and shellfish are often eaten raw as sashimi or sushi in Japan, and this style of consumption is now spread all over the world. For this purpose, fish and shellfish require a quite high degree of freshness. The commercially valuable bottom fish such as sea bream and plaice require a high degree of freshness and are often delivered live to the market in Japan. However, if these fish can be delivered to the market in a pre-rigor state, there is no need to transport them live, since pre-rigor fish have the same commercial value as do live specimens in the market. Rigor mortis is one of the most prominent changes in muscle occurring soon after death. We spiked live specimens of plaice at the brain, stored at various temperatures ranging from 0° to 20°C and examined for changes in rigor tension and ATP degradation in the muscle. The ATP degradation rate was clearly slower at 5-15°C than at 0°C, resulting in retardation of rigor mortis onset at the former temperatures. For example, fish stored at 5°C maintained pre-rigor state for 12 h and quite low levels of rigor state for 21 h, indicating that fish transported at 5°C within 21 h can be sold at the same value as live fish. However, the K value, a freshness index, changed most slowly at 0°C. The values at 5 and 10°C were also much lower, indicating that the samples could still be consumed raw after 48 h. The K value decreased rapidly at 15°C and more rapidly at 20°C. The sample stored at 20°C for 24 h emitted an unpleasant odor. Here, we explain the mechanisms involved in such storage temperature-dependent rigor mortis progress of fish.




1)AIC2024. International Symposium on Precision Quality Control of Food.


2)AIC2024. Invited Speakers.


