お魚たんぱく健康だより 渡部会長 国際学会で基調講演
お魚たんぱく健康研究会の渡部終五会長がオーストラリアで開催された第13回アジア太平洋マリンバイオテクノロジー会議(13th Asia-Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference, APMBC)の基調講演で魚肉タンパク質、ペプチドの健康機能性について 講演されました(図1)1)。

Health benefits of fish proteins and their future prospects(魚肉タンパク質の健康機能性と今後の展望)というタイトル(図2)で魚肉タンパク質の優位性について講演されました。


Surrounded by the ocean on all sides, Japanese people have a long history of consuming large quantities of marine products. The rich variety of marine products has enriched our diet. They are also the main ingredients of Japanese cuisine, which has been listed as an Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO. Furthermore, as a major source of animal proteins, marine products have played an important role in nutrition. Although marine products are such an important food source, per capita consumption of marine products in Japan has declined markedly in recent years due to rapid changes in dietary habitats. Animal protein supply in Japan from livestock products reversed that of marine products around 2007. On the other hand, marine products have a very high reputation worldwide for their health benefits. Meanwhile, the shortage of proteins due to global population growth has become an international problem. In addition to the global population explosion, the increase in per capita protein intake due to economic growth in emerging countries has led to predictions of protein shortages as early as the 2030s and as late as 2050. This is the so-called protein crisis.
One of the reasons why marine products are good for health is that they contain high levels of highly unsaturated fatty acids such as eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acids. On the other hand, fish and shellfish meats contain essential amino acids, which cannot be synthesized in the human body, at levels above the international standard known as the amino acid score, and are nutritionally comparable to those of livestock meats. In addition, fish and shellfish proteins and the peptides of their degradation products have been recognized as having various health benefits and have attracted much attention. However, the mechanism by which seafood proteins readily confer health benefits is not well understood. We speculate that one of the reasons may be the high digestibility of fish and shellfish proteins. We want to reaffirm the value of marine products by elucidating the mechanisms by which fish and shellfish proteins demonstrate their excellent health benefits. At the same time, we would like to contribute to averting a future global protein crisis by making advanced use of underutilized marine products and processing wastes.
1)13th Asia-Pacific Marine Biotechnology Conference (APMBC).Australia, 2023.
2)渡部終五.魚肉ミオシンの消化性と機能性発揮の機構.FoodStyle21 27.7 (2023): 34-37.